Thursday, February 5, 2015

16 Weeks Pregnant & Gender Reveal Decision!

Officially hit the 16 week mark today and I couldn't be happier with my bump board. Let me just say that as much I really enjoyed doing the handmade boards I gotta say that doing the boards through Pic Monkey is 1000x easier!! Definitely less tedious and takes a lot less time especially when it comes to brightening colors and everything! 
6 Days Until We Find Out The Gender!! As long as Baby L cooperates that is ;) Last time we went for my 14 week scan (my NT scan) the baby stayed upside down and didn't move enough to show us anything. So I'm HOPING AND PRAYING that the little one shows us the goods because we have a gender reveal coming up on Thursday, February 12th! Our 3D scan is on the 11th. 
I'm still carrying small. That picture was taken when I was 15 weeks 5 days so only a couple of days ago. But my bump is still small and as of right now I have only gained 7 pounds.

Any suggestions on what you think I'm having?! Head over to My Instagram Page and 
I'm still unsure. I'm really leaning towards the fact that I'm having a little girl - just based off symptoms that I had with Gianna that are very similar in this one. It's funny though because the main thing I remember from being pregnant with Caleb was the heartburn!! Oh my goodness, the heartburn was like nothing I have ever experienced before in my life. But I can't really remember when it started. While we would love to have a baby girl, we ultimately want a healthy baby! But we wouldn't mind if that healthy baby could wear bows and dresses ;) We have officially come up with a gender reveal idea as well ... since it's February and it's so cold we will be be doing a confetti balloon in my living room. An idea I found on Pinterest...
I am still a little torn as to whether or not we are going to be surprised or not. I have found out with every pregnancy I've had and I think being surprised would be nice, but I am so torn on whether or not I can wait or not! I am thinking we should be surprised, but it's a tough decision. I would love to find out with everyone else! So I may have the tech look for gender, determine it and then write it down and fold it up and put it in a sealed envelope. & then (since I know I'll look) take it right to the party store and have them see and fill up a black balloon with pink or blue confetti and then we will pick it up on Thursday. 

More on my pregnancy this week!! 
Baby is the size of an Avocado this week! I love the food comparisons - although it makes eating certain things a little weird, LOL. 

Baby's eyes are working & although his or her eyes are still sealed they can make small side to side movements. And baby is able to hear my voice now -- and will be able to recognize it when he or she is born thanks to tiny bones forming in those precious little ears! Baby is also growing hair, eyelashes and eyebrows and is forming taste buds. Can't wait to see my little nugget next week <3 

Pregnancy Symptoms at 16 Weeks

  • You might start feeling baby move!
  • Back aches, another effect of pregnancy hormones. Make sure you're exercising, that you're sitting and standing up straight and do some stretches.
  • bigger boobs -- they should be ready for breastfeeding by the end of the second trimester.
  • Constipation, as your uterus starts pressing on your intestines.
  • Forgetfulness (a.k.a. pregnancy brain). No one knows for sure what causes this!
  • Faster hair and nail growth (a great excuse for a new cut and manicure).
  • Dry, itchy, sensitive eyes. Blame the hormones once again.
  • Glowing skin (finally -- that pregnancy glow that people are always talking about!)
1. Not feeling any movement yet, that I can tell at least. Today I have felt little flutters but I don't know if it's my mind psyching me out. I never felt this early before either... 17-18 weeks is usually when I feel some fluttering sensations. Definitely something I cannot wait for :) Movement is the best feeling & I can't wait for Caleb to experience it <3 <3
2. Back aches, sciatic nerve pain, round ligament pain, bloating = A BIG FAT YES! I have been doing T25 but even modified I find myself getting winded so I do what I can and then do little exercises I find on Pinterest. Bicep curls, tricep workouts, squats, donkey kicks, things that aren't vigorous but will keep me in shape. Because excess weight gain is something I'm concerned about. Although I have only gained 7 pounds so far and my doctor said I'm gaining nicely and I'm healthy. So that's good. Bloating has been a serious thing with me and it's beyond uncomfortable so I have been drinking A LOTTTTT of water. 
3. Bigger boobs = absolutely yes. Half the time I feel like they deserve their own zip code. I've already had to take 3 separate trips to target for new bras --> but I never wear regular bras. Forever comfy in sports bras. Target is my go to spot. If the Walmart near me was remotely decent I would venture there. But it's a scum dungeon so I steer clear. My boobs are getting a little tender again too. 
4. Constipation - ehhhh. I had a pretty regular schedule before so yeah I guess it's minor. Depending on what I eat and drink determines on if I can go easily or not. However gas is disgusting and makes me want to throw up. LOL. The good the bad and the ugly, remember? 
5. Forgetfulness? Nothing out of the ordinary. At least not that I notice as of this moment. Pregnancy brain was a good friend of mine later on in my pregnancy though before. So we shall see.
6. Hair & Nails are growing like weeds! And good thing because my hair was short and awkward and driving me nuts & it's finally looking good =) So I am most definitely happy about that. 
7. Itchy eyes? Nope. But I'm still dealing with the itchy downstairs thing. Gross I know. Hydrocortisone is working wonders though - as per doctors orders. 3x a day. So that helps me. I have also been having an itchy belly - also something I had with my other pregnancies. And it's common! 
8. Glowing Skin. I've been told I'm glowing but I don't see it. What I do see though is the random breakouts I keep having that are  driving me bonkers. All worth it in the long run though. :) I'm pregnant and that makes me happy. 

Weird cravings: Wendy's Baked Potatoes and fries w/their honey mustard; peanut M&M's; Chips and fresh salsa, Taco bowls, Nacho Cheese Doritos, Baby Carrots, Red Potatoes - Not much has changed in terms of that. So nothing out of the ordinary.

All in all my pregnancy has been going pretty well and I'm lucky. Which I hope this doesn't mean I will have a horrendous labor. Speaking of labor, still planning on a natural delivery - pain med free. However in terms of hospital location we are planning on touring both hospitals my doctor covers. PMMC and Einstein. Both have exceptional maternity floors. PMMC is close to us ...8 minutes <maybe> Einstein is 35 minutes - and that's depending on the time of day. PMMC is right by us so it would be easy to get there quick, but having someone to babysit Caleb nearby is tough. Unless I have a planned date for my membranes to get stripped which we obviously won't know until later. I am going to plan a hospital tour for both hospitals and see what we decide. 

That is all for this week, but I am looking forward to sharing my gender reveal with all of you next week! :) Have a great weekend! <3 
Xoxo, Jenna! 

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