Saturday, March 28, 2015

23 Weeks and feeling super pregnant!

23 Weeks this week and feeling beyond pregnant. 
I've been dealing with a lot of pain and it's really upsetting.
Thankfully no L&D trips yet, but I think there's going to be one in the near future. 

I am having lots of round ligament pain and pain in my lower abdomen. It makes even basic mundane tasks like walking up the steps, walking, or switching positions in bed extremely painful.
My OB suggested I go to Motherhood Maternity or another baby/motherhood store and get myself a good belly support band to help me with the discomfort I'm feeling.
She said that it's all the pressure that's happening down there and a belly band will help lift everything up and will hopefully help with my discomfort. I've never had this issue before, so this is something new to me and extremely painful. Some days are worse than others, but yesterday I could barely move.... I took Caleb to Bounce U and I think I overdid it...but I was in pain before that.

This week baby girl is the size of a grapefruit, papaya, or large mango!
So many different food comparisons!! 
Measuring at 11 inches and weighing in at over a pound already she can sense and feel my movements and listens to my voice and my heartbeat. <3 

Besides the pain in my abdomen/groin area, I have shortness of breath, I'm pretty tired, and dealing with insane heartburn/indigestion/acid reflux. I carry Tums and Zantac with me wherever I go.
Pretty awesome right? LOL.
I just hope I start feeling better soon, because I am so incredibly uncomfortable and not being able to do basic things makes me upset. Like I want to workout and do things like squats, donkey kicks, fire hydrants and all of that, and I'm just in so much pain that I can't get through anything. I'm going to try and focus on working my arms out at least and I'm hoping that getting this belly band is going to help me out significantly and I can get back into somewhat of a normal routine. 

I also have been dealing with swollen feet and ankles. Specifically when I'm on my feet too long. Nothing I am too concerned about just yet. 
But uncomfortable nonetheless. 
Still dealing with hemorrhoids which apparently a belly band will help with because of the pressure going on down there. 

If getting this belly band doesn't help me out at all I'll be calling my OB and asking them what I can do or what can be done to alleviate some of this pain. Which I'm hoping they don't recommend bedrest.... because I'm so busy! And I have a crazy toddler that keeps me on my toes 97% of the time. But with every one of my pregnancies I've suffered from bedrest and preterm labor. But I can never go into labor ON MY OWN I've always been induced.... So I'm thinking that this pregnancy wont be any different... I usually go into labor a month early and I get bedrest. With Caleb I got the steroid shots for his lungs and I'm expecting the same to happen this time around. But I've also never experienced this type of pain before so I don't know when I'll be put on bedrest or anything else. 
Only time will tell I guess.

I'm trying my best not to overdo it. And to take it as easy as I possibly can. 
(Its hard sometimes though because I get restless)
So we shall see what happens. 

My baby girls health  and well being is first and foremost. <3

We chose her carseat: 
Chicco NextFit Convertible Seat. <3 
A friend of mine has this one and she absolutely loves it. 
I saw this one at Babies R Us and felt this compared to the Graco 4ever 4 in 1 seat, and this one feels much more comfortable and versatile. It's also got the 9 recline positions and it looks more comfortable for an newborn... 

Originally we were going to go with an infant car seat. 
& then we got to thinking about how Caleb didn't use his infant seat for longer than a month or two, if that. This NextFit seats seems more practical because it'll last longer and she will get more use out of it. So we are thinking of just going with the convertible seat. 
Which is completely safe for newborns to use. 
And one of the officers at Ray's PD is carseat certified and all of that so he's going to install it for us. 
Thankfully. So he said there's no way we won't pass inspection at the hospital :) <3

Now I'm trying to find a stroller thats versatile for both Caleb and for the baby! 
**Any suggestions would be seriously helpful** 
This is the Graco Ready2Grow Click Connect Stand & Ride Stroller.
The front looks like it's got the infant carrier part but I'm not sure. Based off the website it says it works for newborn to toddler but I am not really sure. 
We have the Sit and Stand stroller already but this was when we had expected us to get an infant car seat, and while I plan on doing a lot of baby wearing, it's not something I'm entirely sure of ... Car seats are helpful, but they do get bulky.

any suggestions!? 
Follow me on Instagram and give me your input!

Have a great weekend <3 

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