Saturday, January 3, 2015

11 weeks & Bump Board!

My Very First Bump Board! :) 
I'm looking forward to doing more of these in the coming weeks. Although I'm sure it'll become more difficult as my belly gets bigger to not smudge some of my artwork ;) I got my chalkboard at AC Moore and it was $19.99 and I got 2 packs of chalk for .99 cents each. I found a lot of my ideas on Pinterest. If you're interested in where I got my sweater from? It's actually a SnookiLove sweater and you can find that :) 

Pregnancy This Week: 
Baby L is the size of a LIME already
and can OFFICIALLY be called a FETUS! 
A big jump from a prune just last week! Baby L is moving around in there but I can't feel him/her just yet. Although I'm looking forward to when I finally do get to feel those kicks and movements. Baby's skin is also see through at the moment but he/she is on their way to looking more and more like a little baby in there! Another big milestone this week for Baby L? Fingers and toes aren't webbed anymore. Tooth buds, hair follicles and nail beds are also forming. Only 203 days left to go until my little belly bean is here! =) 

11 Week Pregnancy Symptoms:

What this Mama is Feeling at 11 weeks:
I'm feeling pretty good for the most part and I feel like a lot of my symptoms have already decreased. I'm still pretty tired for the most part but I do find myself able to stay up later - not that I want stay up late. Most nights I feel like I'm asleep before my head even hits the pillow. 

But what stinks is that my lack of energy? Makes me have no real energy to workout :( Since the hubby got me Just Dance 2015  for Christmas this year I've been doing some of those with the kids & that has helped me work up a sweat & dancing is a great workout. So I'm not being completely lazy ;) I'm hoping that once the 2nd trimester hits I'll regain some energy and be able to do more. But as of right now? 

Some minor incidents with nausea but nothing too crazy. It's usually only when I eat something that Baby L doesn't like. And no throwing up =D which I'm sure other expecting mama's would love to experience.

I also almost always feel HUNGRY. Last night (and it wasn't the first time) I woke up basically STARVING at around 3:00 am. And I couldn't fall back asleep until I ate something. The timing is the same every single night. And if I don't wake up in the middle of the night starving? I wake up in the morning wanting to eat everything in site. 

Also this is kind of an odd symptom but I had this when I was pregnant with Gianna - I would itch INSANELY. And it would be to the point of making myself basically bleed & that started up about 2 weeks ago and hasn't decreased at all. When I was pregnant with Gianna I ended up having to go to my OB and actually get prescribed something because it wouldn't stop. 
I know it's an overshare but pregnancy isn't always the sunshine and rainbows
It's the good the bad and the ugly. 

One thing that's really tough for me though is how my prenatal vitamins make me feel. I can't take pills for the life of me - specifically the prenatal vitamins. I don't know why, but they are so gross. They are horse pills and they always smelled so bad. Since I've always had "regularity" issues I take gummy prenatal vitamins with extra calcium and fiber. But for some reason whenever I've been taking them I feel like I'm gagging and want to throw up. So that's definitely something that I'm not enjoying.

My hormones are also all over the place. I am either crying, laughing or just plain mad. I find myself becoming increasingly overwhelmed with things going on. Not my pregnancy or anything, but we also have a new puppy and it's been hard to train him. I find myself getting upset over things to the point of crying hysterically because it's a lot to do. Don't get me wrong, I know training a puppy is difficult and it takes time. But some things are just more annoying to me now that I'm pregnant. For instance, the dog not walking up steps. We have a deck and we bought the grass patches for him to use when I'm unable to take him down. We have two steps leading to the deck, and he refuses to walk up them, ever. I can put him in front and he won't do it, and I can put his paws up on a step and he still doesn't budge - which drives me crazy. Because while he's still a puppy he's getting bigger and heavier. He did finally start using the stairs to come in though. I would just crack the door and not give in to his whimpering to come in and he came down the steps. Which is a good thing because getting him to come in before was a pain as well, we would go to get him & he would run away and it's January, it's cold, I don't feel like being outside for 20 minutes. One thing I'm hoping that'll get better is also taking him for walks.... We have a nice little harness and leash for him that is basically useless. He will not walk anywhere. He literally just SITS THERE. And will not walk, and it's really frustrating. But I really think this all stems back to my hormones being crazy, because I'm usually not this bad with things. 
Along with my hormones, I am dealing the the terrible terroristic three's! They say "terrible twos", well compared to how Caleb is now that he is 3 years old, two years old was a walk in the park! Also hard to deal with being pregnant and having whacky insane hormones. Because I find myself crying from exhaustion or being overwhelmed. All things that I know will balance out in due time.
Commercials make me cry, random video clips, things I read - I turn into a total Sally sob story. 

Thankfully no leg cramps yet! But I'm sure I'll be getting them soon. I used to wake up with excruciating Charlie Horses in my legs and honestly would want to contemplate amputation. And no belly line yet either! In due time. I'm embracing everything that's coming my way though because this is something that I never expected to happen again.

I still always want red bell peppers with French dressing or Ranch dip - not salad dressing but the dip that you make with sour scream & the packet; Sandwiches from Subway - specifically the sweet onion chicken teriyaki; SmartFoods White Cheddar Popcorn; Orange juice - oh my gosh, I just love orange juice. I find myself having at least 2-3 glasses of it a day; Strawberry milkshakes; fresh salsa; red potatoes 
Either way I am trying to eat as healthy as possible. But I am definitely not depriving myself.

Food Aversions:
I used to love the occasional trip to McDonalds, now I can barely look at it without feeling queasy. Which whatever, it's bad for you anyway! London Broil - I used to make this as a dinner for my family and I at least once a week, now it doesn't make me sick but I can barely eat it. I can have a piece or two and then I'm kinda just "full".  Although Ray says that I'm not eating enough.

Biggest Change for me so far:
Waking up in the middle of the night starving. This usually never happens to me. So waking up last night at 3:00 am needing to eat was a definite change. I tried to even ignore it but it was impossible! Finally  got back to sleep around 4:30. But woke up at 8:00 hungry again! Baby L must be getting me ready for all those late night feedings. Like I said I wouldn't trade this in for the world though because we never thought this would happen for us again. 

Boy or Girl?!?
Obviously we aren't sure yet. But in the coming weeks we will be finding out if we will be shopping pink or shopping blue. We really want a healthy baby most importantly. But we are really praying and hoping for a girl. I've already seen so many adorable clothes that I just LOVE for baby girls - plus we know names we are interested in already. Caleb was our top pick for a boys name and that's what we have now. So I guess we will see. 
We do have plans on doing a gender reveal but we aren't sure on if we want to find out ahead of time and plan it that way or if we are going to do a special reveal and be surprised that way. We do want to document it though with pictures and a video.
This is the idea we love: 
(Balloons will obviously be pink or blue - but hoping for pink ones ;)  I just think this whole concept is adorable)

Currently I am unsure of what I'm having and have no real idea. The heart rate of the baby at my last US was 176 BPM. Which it was never that high with Caleb. His always stayed around 155-160. I have that whole "itchy gross" thing going on again and that's something I experienced with Gianna. I have taken 2 different Gender Predictor Tests and each one says something different. One is boy and one is girl. Only time will tell. :) Either way I am excited to find out and share it with everyone who reads my blog! :) 

Nursery Plans:
We live in an apartment at the moment but are lucky enough that our landlord lets us do a lot of work in here. We eventually have plans of moving but right now we are content with where we are (even though it drives me crazy insane). Gianna's bedroom coincidentally has 2 doors (it's weird and I don't know why) but we decided to split it up into 2 rooms. That way Gianna still has her own space and then Baby L will have their own space as well :) 

Last night I did a complete overhaul in Gianna's room. We went through all of her toys and drawers and moved everything around to be how it will be when the wall goes in. (Which we still aren't sure when we are going to be doing this wall). 
This is the end result:
She was a little skeptical about the idea at first and wanted to share a room with the baby and when I explained to her that she would have her own room still she perked up and got excited. Once we have the wall up we discussed painting her room however she wants because it'll be easier. 

So this is now our nursery space:
It's tiny but it's workable. Caleb and Gi used to share this room and we made it work with her bed and a crib and dressers and everything. Obviously the dresser is coming out and the basketball net and everything else. I definitely want a Glider so bad also. 
I'm interested in keeping a neutral color as the base with color accents based on Baby L's gender. I love the color gray for nursery walls. Not overbearing or too dark but I love the grey with pink accents or blue for a boy or teal. I also love stripes but it seems tedious. 
Those are the current ideas I LOVE. I also really wanna find a shag rug like the one in the picture. I am obsessed with it. 

11 weeks down and 203 days to go. <3 
SO excited to continue sharing it with you all! 
Stay happy and healthy! And I hope you all had a wonderful New Year! 
Remember what you deserve from people and don't ever feel guilty about removing toxic people from your life. No matter who they may be. :) 
Have a great rest of your weekend & be blessed! <3 
Xoxo, Jenna

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