Friday, January 9, 2015

12 Weeks Bump Board!

Hit the 12 week mark! One more week separates me from leaving the 1st trimester in the dust :) Although I can't complain too much because my first trimester was much easier than some other preggo mama's to be have gone through. 

This week Baby L is the size of a Plum... YUM! 
- Most of his/her critical systems are fully formed!
- He/She is about to enter the growth and maturation stage, in which her organs & tissues will grow and develop rapidly.
- Baby is now developing reflexes - if you poke his/her body, she'll likely move :) 
- Baby is opening and closing their fingers and curling their little toes, too! 
- Their brain is developing fast!! 

The average fetus at 12 weeks is about 2.1 inches long and .49 ounces. Now that Baby L's got pretty much all his/her parts, baby's main job is to KEEP ON GROWING! :) 

Big News!! I'm reaching the home stretch of the 1st trimester!!  Which hopefully means that my hormones will tone it down a bit -- so I stop crying at just about EVERYTHING that pulls at my heart strings in even the smallest of ways. Morning sickness & nausea will hopefully subside (although some mama's deal with this throughout their entire pregnancy!) and some energy will return in the 2nd trimester - at least I hope so! But this can be replaced with headaches and dizziness - ugh! Baby L is almost done developing their body's most important systems and parts, which means its mostly about getting bigger and more mature from here on out :) 

Appointments coming up: 
Nuchal Translucency screening on January 19th. We get to see our baby on ultrasound :) and I get quite the arsenal of blood work at this appointment as well.
The nuchal translucency screening test (also called the NT scan) can help your healthcare practitioner assess your developing baby's risk of having Down Syndrome and some other chromosomal abnormalities, as well as major congenital heart problems.
The NT scan must be done when you're between 11 and 14 weeks pregnant, because this is when the base of your baby's neck is still transparent. 
It's a bit nerve-wracking given everything we have been through to even get pregnant but I trust God and I know He's got this. 

We also scheduled our first 3D/4D ultrasound to hopefully find out if we will be shopping for a
That isn't until February 11th though and I will be almost 17 weeks along. We never had the opportunity to do this with Caleb so I am really looking forward to this! And we are hoping that Baby L cooperates with us and shows us the goods and we get some fantastic pictures of him or her that we can treasure forever! The place we are going also gives us a DVD of the entire experience which will be fun to show to our families and friends. This will also help us in choosing how to decorate and design Baby L's nursery! =) I'm currently into stripes: 
And if it were a boy I love the idea of teal and gray. We shall see! 

Symptoms This Week: 
I am honestly feeling pretty good...aside from being really tired a lot. And I seem to be feeling pretty nauseous from day to day again. Ginger Ale is definitely my BFF at this point. I have always been lucky enough to never have morning sickness though. Always more of an all day nausea and feeling like I'm going to toss my cookies type of girl - which is even worse in my opinion. Nothing is worse than feeling like you're going to barf for 5 hours straight -_-  My belly hasn't changed much either from last week and I might carry small - just like I did with Caleb until around 25 weeks when I popped. My boobs have also gotten HUGE. My bras are getting tight so I'll need to replace them soon with someone bigger. I stick to sports bras mainly anyway because they're comfortable and underwire sucks. My sense of smell is insanely sensitive. I can smell pretty much everything and anything and it's extremely potent which can cause some nausea for me. I sweat like crazy too.. .and I feel like I'm on fire when I sleep. Also... always feeling starving so I have started keeping snacks to my bed to help when I wake up feeling hungry. This is also disgusting but I don't even care... I have been farting and burping like crazy. And my farts? are enough to probably take down a T-Rex. It's pretty disgusting, haha. My husband says "pregnancy farts suck" and he's right. They are absolutely terrible. Constipation is up there too.. I have been having some serious issues going but they subside. I haven't had to take anything as of lately to help me go. I'm still dealing with the itchy thing on occasion but it's nowhere near as bad as it was before. My hormones have me getting upset or irritated a lot quicker than I was before as well. 

Other common 12 week symptoms: 
- That dark line on your belly starts to appear
Still hasn't made an appearance & from what I remember I never had much of one with my other kids either. So who knows? 
- More vaginal discharge to protect your, um, lady parts from infection.
The good the bad and the ugly - remember? I'm suffering from this. It's gross but whatever keeps away the risk of infection works for me. 
- A noticeably bigger belly!! 
Like I said my belly hasn't changed much from last week... and some days it looks bigger than others. I think it's a lot of bloat to be honest. 
- Headaches and dizziness may start to intensify around this time which could be caused by hormones, vision changes, drops in blood sugar, dehydration, or possible stress. 
I haven't had any of this yet ... although my eyes are getting worse. I can barely see without my glasses on, which is something that has gotten considerably worse since I had Caleb. I developed astigmatism when I was pregnant with Caleb and I need to rely on glasses. I wish I could wear contacts but they freak me out.

I am hoping for a return of energy in the 2nd trimester because I have been dragging my behind this entire 1st one. I haven't been able to find an ounce of energy to workout or do much of anything. So I'm hoping that some energy will return and I can get back into a regular workout routine -- I am going to do T25 again from the beginning and do the modified stuff - especially for everything that requires jumping around and bouncing. 

Food Cravings: fried pickles - even though when I had them the other night I felt super sick afterwards. Red peppers, baby carrots, &  French dressing. And still craving Subway. SmartFoods White Cheddar Popcorn is also the bees knees. I wouldn't mind some King Crab legs either smothered in butter. Haha.
Food No-No's: There hasn't been much really.. I guess the fried pickles could fit in here too.

For the most part I try to eat healthy and stay away from junk. But when you're pregnant you do have cravings that are pretty gross, lol. 

Anything I'm worried about: The fact that I don't have many symptoms. But I guess some women are just lucky. I definitely feel pregnant. But naturally I worry.

Boy or Girl: my symptoms, cravings, etc. lead me to believe I'm having a girl but I could definitely be wrong. Because I thought I was having a girl with Caleb and boy was I wrong! LOL. 

Looking forward to the ultrasound on the 19th but a little nervous about the testing. All in all I know everything is okay, but my nerves get the best of me a lot of times. All in all I feel good though and I'm really blessed God is letting me experience pregnancy again. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend.
XOXO, Jenna 

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