Friday, January 16, 2015

Hello, Second Trimester! 13 Week Bump Board!

The 2nd Trimester! 
This is such an emotional moment for me... to know that I've completed one whole trimester of pregnancy with my Rainbow Baby. Words can't describe how happy, blessed and incredible that I feel in this moment. 

and Baby L is the size of a PEACH, how sweet! 
Baby is forming:
- vocal cords AND teeth!
- & even though he/she is still teeny tiny, baby already has fingerprints! 
- Intestines are moving from the umbilical cord to their more permanent place, in their tummy :) 
- Baby's head is now about 1/3 the size of his/her body
(it used to be much bigger)! 
I've completed 1/3 of my whole pregnancy!!
SUCH A MILESTONE FOR ME after such a devastating loss in September 2013. 

I am actually elated to say the least... to know that I made this far and have a healthy baby with a strong heartbeat growing inside me.. Symptom wise I am regaining some energy and I've been able to workout a few days this past week which has reduced my bloating immensely! As you can compare from first bump photos until now. Plus I've been sticking to mainly water. I feel a little sleepy now and again but I've been able to stay away past 9:30 at night for once, haha. Some random bought of dizziness and nausea but I hear thats normal for this time in my pregnancy. 
The veins in my boobs are bright blue and like a road map...and speaking of boobs... mine are more like melons rather than the peace size of my little rainbow baby <3 I had to buy some new bras already which is only the beginning. My boobs got even bigger at the end of Caleb's pregnancy so lets see how this goes. I have been craving salt and vinegar chips, pineapples, kiwi's and asparagus. 

I go for my nuchal translucency screening on Monday and I'm excited to see my baby on the ultrasound :) and then I can share it with y'all. I am going to ask about gender but I'm not getting my hopes up for it. Because I do get my 3D ultrasound on the 11th of February. 

Nursery ideas are all about chevron patterns! Super excited to finally get started on that. 
It's super short this week but I'm so happy to have gotten to this point and I'm happy to be sharing it with all of you. 
Have a great weekend! 
Xoxo, Jenna 

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