Thursday, January 22, 2015

Bump Board: 14 Weeks Pregnant!

So much to update on this week & I've even got some ultrasound pictures to share from my NT scan - which I will also update on throughout my blog. But I'm 14 weeks pregnant this week & baby is doing wonderfully. My due date has changed yet again to July 23, 2015 - it was originally the 26th, and then switched to the 25th, and now it is to the 23rd. The earlier date the better, because it's one day closer that I get to hold my little nugget in my arms. 

First things first, my nuchal translucency scan went wonderfully. I also got my first round of sequential screen blood work which came back normal & there was no cause for alarm. I'll go back for my 2nd round of blood work between February 6th to February 26th because it has to be done within a certain margin of time. The baby is getting so much bigger than the last time I saw him/her on ultrasound right before Christmas. 
It actually looks like a BABY! We could see the fingers, toes, hands and feet. And even the eyes. Baby wiggled around a lot BUT stayed upside down the entire time and refused to budge so we couldn't even get a peak at the potential gender... it's okay though. I'm just happy that baby is doing so well and is healthy!! Baby's heart rate was 163 BPM. It was amazing to be able to see how much has changed since my last visit. You can even see baby's brain and spine. The tech said that the NT scan looks completely normal. I did a lot of "googling" online and psyched myself out for what I was in for. I read a lot about patients going in and being told that they weren't good results and then they later went on to have a healthy baby, but it is still nerve-wracking to think I would need to worry my entire pregnancy more than I already had. Another great moment was that Ray and Caleb were able to see the baby for the first time as well!! And the office we went to they have a big tv on the wall where we can see the images from the ultrasound, which I've never experienced before, so it was really nice to be able to see the baby on a big screen rather than looking over at a small one.
Although we weren't told anything about gender -- any predictions?? A friend of mine said she thinks boy, but I'm still up in the air, I keep thinking girl. because it's completely different this time around than when I was pregnant with Caleb. By this time with Caleb I had already been suffering from substantial amounts of heartburn, but I'm not 100% sure of when it started exactly. 
I also had an appointment with my regular OB on Tuesday and baby's heart rate was 153 BPM. Which confuses me in terms of gender, because they always say above 160 is a girl and below is a boy. I guess I just need to be patient until my 3D ultrasound on the 11th, which is coming up quick. We also heard the baby's heartbeat for the very first time this week. And I would be lying if I said I didn't cry and get extremely emotional. I feel like I have finally made it. And I am nowhere near as worried as I was before this appointment. 
Bump shot from before my NT SCAN.

What's New This Week?
Baby L is the size of a Lemon and growing rapidly! :) Doesn't seem like much of a difference since the size of a peach last week but there is! 
This week, baby is probably sucking his thumb and wiggling his/her toes in there. Baby's kidneys are making urine, and his liver and spleen are doing their jobs, too. Baby is also growing something called lanugo, which is a thin, peach-fuzz-like hair all over their little body. It will help keep my little nugget warm in my belly. Baby is continuously moving and twisting and turning all their itty bitty joints in they body and continuously moving around inside my belly - but I don't feel anything just yet, but it's definitely something I'm more than ready to experience :) 
The lungs are continuing to develop and the little babe is practicing breathing with the amniotic fluid on a regular basis. Other exciting news? My little nugget can now frown, grimace, and squint and their little reflexes are becoming stronger and more frequent.

Whats New with Mommy this Week:
My energy was returning, and now I'm back to being kinda sleepy...nothing too bad or anything remotely like the 1st trimester, but I'm sure in time it'll change and my energy will slowly come back. Honestly I don't mind being that tired because then I can fall asleep no problem which was always an issue before I got pregnant. Another new symptom that I'm experiencing and hating... feeling dizzy and experiencing lightheadedness. Which is definitely not on my list of favorite things to deal with. It's usually the worst when I first wake up in the morning, so I've been keeping bottles of water and little snacks next to me for as soon as I wake up. Round ligament pain has also began as my uterus stretches to accommodate my growing belly and baby. I told my OB about my dizzy spells and he told me to just keep my fluid intake up and he said that its completely normal for this stage in the game because when you're pregnant you have 40% to 50% more blood in your body. My hormones are settling down a bit but I still cry pretty easily. Due to my dizzy spells I haven't been able to workout at all this week so I'm hoping after a relaxing weekend and a lot of fluid intake I'm hoping to be back at it on Monday morning. Most of my nausea has dissipated immensely - thank God. But I've been really lucky because I've never once suffered from morning sickness. I'm still always hungry too... which worries me about my weight gain which is another reason why I don't want to NOT work out. And I'm not depriving myself or anything like that for the sake of my own nerves. I am making sure to keep my nutritional intake up, and I'm really hoping to get back into the fitness swing of things on Monday. But I'm still hungry a lot. Especially before bed... 

Speaking of food... Cravings currently are gumballs (how weird, right?) and I will easily eat a bag of them in a sitting. Baby Carrots are my go-to late night snack, and I love kiwi's and peaches. Brown rice with sriacha sauce is also something I absolutely love. And I still eating bell peppers. Granny Smith Apples. Another odd meal I'm really loving? Taco bowls!! I add ground turkey, tomatoes, bell peppers, guacamole, sour cream, crushed up tortilla chips, lettuce and mild taco-sauce. It's one of my absolute favorite things at the moment. And it's delicious so I don't mind... 
...Nothing too out of the ordinary and most is healthy. :) As long as baby is happy, I'm happy.

All in all things are going really well. I feel good, and I've gained about 7 pounds so far. Baby is healthy and growing according to plan. I feel really blessed and grateful to be 14 weeks pregnant. I truly believe that my mom is looking over me and my little rainbow baby from heaven ensuring that we are going to continue to be okay...they say when you randomly find feathers that it's an angel... and I've found so many feathers especially since I got pregnant that I can't help but think it's my mom shining down and just letting me know she's got this, that it's all okay. 

Looking forward to our 3D ultrasound on the 11th and hoping that we can find out the gender, but if not I can be patient and wait until our 20 week scan... doesn't mean I want to though, LOL. Mainly because we are anxious to get some things for the baby and we are really looking forward to planning our nursery and everything that goes along with it. My good friend Emily is also helping me in planning my Baby Sprinkle-Shower :) and we can really start getting it together once we know gender... the sprinkle-shower will probably be sometime in May. Ahh, Spring! Can't wait for warmer weather, I've already decided I'm going to live in Maxi Dresses. Once we know gender we can start narrowing down our names as well.. but don't get excited!! We aren't announcing any baby name choices until Birth Day! 

Thanks for reading! <3 
XoXo, Jenna

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