Saturday, December 27, 2014

Baby Liczbinski

Christmas Eve Baby Bump: 
Although it could be a poop baby at this point lol. 

How far I am: 10 weeks today
Baby L. is: 

How I'm feeling: Super sleepy. I went from chronic insomniac to being able to pass out in 10 minutes. Definitely a good thing because I could barely sleep before that; I have some nausea but no morning sickness; nipple tenderness; my boobs are kind of leaking already too.. Which they leaked really early with Caleb also.; the bright blue veins in my boobs are looking like a road map right now but they are carrying a ton of extra blood to Baby L. 

Food cravings: fruit...especially grapes and California Roll (don't worry I know that I can't have raw fish) and I always want hard boiled eggs & red bell peppers with French dressing

Food Aversions: cup of noodles! I used to love them & now I can barely put the noodles in my mouth without feeling sick to my stomach. 

Obviously every pregnancy and every woman is different! You may have some of these, none of them or all of them! Don't worry though. After the 1st trimester a lot of these symptoms diminish! Hang in there.<3

Workouts/Exercise: right now I'm only doing some walking when I can... To get to this point for me was exhausting and nerve wracking enough so I'm going to start up Focus T25 on Monday - it's a Beachbody program designed by Shaun T. 25 minutes a day, 5-6 days a week. I also want to look into the Recreating You trainer by Ashley Horner. Which can be done at home for those mamas that can't make it to the gym. T25 is a completely at home program also by the way. :) 

Baby L. on 12/23 at my appointment... Heart rate was 176 BPM<3 and I could see the little face and nose and arm and leg buds which is completely amazing! And they were wiggling around, how precious! I was 9 weeks and 3 days. My due date keeps changing as well July 24th 2015 is the current EDD from my doctor. 

Speaking of doctors, I ended up switching from my original practice of about 4 years to a brand new one and I couldn't be happier with the change. My original office (where I delivered Caleb) has multiple doctors and while I loved 3 of them the others I wasn't too fond of AND the one performed by botched surgery when I miscarried that almost killed me. So I ended up switching to a completely new practice which has truly been a God send... I am usually pretty partial to having a female doctor but my doctor I have now is a male and his name is Dr. Ott and he is the most amazing doctor I have ever encountered. You can tell he generally loves what he does and he takes the time to set me at ease and answer any and all questions that I may have. So that's been a true blessing. 

My next appointment is for nuchal translucency testing and that is on January 19th so it's coming up soon & we will have another ultrasound that I'll hopefully be able to share with you all. <3 

Thanks for reading. <3 Have a great night.
XOXO, Jenna

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